gardenandgem, Updated: 2 min read333 views
When spring comes along, the common hobby gardener wakes up very inspired and energetic. This is the start of the season, and you want to do all the stuff you thought you should do last year. 

This often leads to high expectations and laborious plans in relation to what should be done and planted around you.

After a few hectic deadlines at work, some football tournaments, the flu and a few aphids attack later expectations usually are terribly muted.

You can still vaguely remember you had some garden plans, maybe you have sown some seeds, and forgotten all about it. It is not easy to survive the hustle and bustle in our own lives without at least during periods be totally absorbed by all the external demands.

I always make a list over what I wish I could do and what is doable in relation to time, money and external strains.

Be realistic in terms of how much time and money you will spend on this, and set expectations for yourself at a doable level.

One of the things that may limit the time pressure is to buy seeds and plants online. But there are some pros and cons to buying plants on the internet and it’s wise to know about them beforehand.

  • You can’t see the plant in advance so you have to trust that the plant supplier is serious and trustworthy.
  • The plants are also often quite small. The advantage of this is that they withstand packaging and the journey to better, it becomes inexpensive to freight and small plants are usually easier to establish in new surroundings.
  • The tradeoff is that plants bought on the internet often are not an instafix for the garden. It takes time before they become big enough to defend their space in the garden and are flourishing in all their glory.
  • The best argument to purchase plants on the internet is that you find plants the local garden centres don’t have in its range. Plants that not everyone has in their garden.
  • I can also easily find out more about the plant on the Internet when I’m purchasing the plant, will it thrive in my climate, and if it really is a plant that fits in our garden.

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