A container with succulents is a perfect solution for your patio in a warm climate. The succulent container you see here is usually placed by the door to the backyard…
A container with succulents is a perfect solution for your patio in a warm climate. The succulent container you see here is usually placed by the door to the backyard…
Even in Scandinavia, we have succulents that tolerate frost, snow, winter darkness and short summers. But here in Texas, it is a really fascinating selection of these intriguing plants. Most…
Container Gardening is one of the best and easiest ways to keep plants for most of us. It takes little space, pulls the plants closer to seating and living zones…
Takløk danner bladrosetter av tykke bladskjell i forskjellige farger og form. Jeg har plantet de på rullestenene tett inntil sydvestveggen på hytta for å pynte opp uten å stjele showet. De er enormt tørketålende, og det finnes varianter som er hardføre over hele landet. Planter du de i krukker (gjerne med gress), blir de kule og sofistikerte, leser fransk mellomkrigs-litteratur, drikker chai-te, og hører på indie rock.