Its rather cold and sometimes windy in January, which is the coldest month of the year here in Houston.
The average lowest temperature is 6,7°C, (44°F). But there have been colder nights this week than the average temperature tells. The rather big difference between day and night temperatures makes it a struggle for some of our garden plants to adapt.
I have a rather ugly but very practical tip on how to keep your favourite plants alive. You will need some large plastic container, preferably with a hollow handle on the side of the bottle. Water bottles are ideal! Cut the bottom and the top off with a knife, find a stick or two, and voila, there you go!
I have to tell that this was one of the very, very rare occasions that my better half (the Engineer with a very practical, non aesthetically view of life) was impressed with me.
Thursday, January 28, 2016For your information I am learning to like coriander now! It does *somewhat* still taste like lawn clippings to me, but I am working on it! :D