gardenandgem, Updated: 2 min read379 views
I am browsing the internet for seeds and plants to buy at the moment. I have made a list of seed companies here, and there are a lot of companies to choose from. The amount of seeds and prices vary surprisingly much. I have tried to compare seed prices.
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This was Zinnia, “Queen Red Lime” from Burpee. Pricey seeds, but the result was very satisfying.

Zinnia is a very good annual for the southern states. Heat and pretty drought tolerant (when established), loads of colours and varieties to choose from, and the flowers are loved by butterflies, bees and bumblebees.

Remember this if you are going to buy some Zinnia seeds: Be aware the height of the plants varies from approx. 6 inches to three feet, the tallest needs support. Look for mildew-resistant kinds, or not, and just take them away and sow some new if it gets too much. Usually, it seems that the heat withers the zinnias down anyway, and mine self-seeded around the withered ones. So I tore away the dead ones and just rearranged the seed plants a tad. But that will vary with what kind of Zinnia you choose. They are lovely cut flowers and will keep fine indoors in almost a week depending on the temperature.

I tried to compare prices and amount of Zinnia seeds, and I chose the variety “Zinnia Persian Carpet” just because I have to go for one type. It was a tad complicated, because of differences in the tradenames of Zinnias and how some companies specify weight, not the number of seeds, or they only specify how many seeds there are in one ounce.

Name of CompanyWeb addressAmount of Zinnia varietiesAmount of seedsPrice pr amount, Dollar 
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Rareseeds seeds2,5Zinnia “Persian Carpet”
Select Seeds seeds2,92This is Zinnia “Jazzy Mix” specified in the text as similar to the “Persian Carpet” variety.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds does not have the “P. C.”Zinnia and I didn’t find any with the precisely same height and colour.
Johnnys Selected seeds seeds3,95This is Zinnia “Jazzy Mix” specified in the text as similar to the “Persian Carpet” variety.
Territorial Seed Company does not have the “P. C.”Zinnia and I didn’t find any with the precisely same height and colour.
Park Seed seeds1,95Zinnia “Persian Carpet”
Pinetree Garden Seed seeds1,25Zinnia “Persian Carpet”
Burpee seeds3,95Zinnia “Jazzy Mix”

This is an informal comparison, and prices and amounts can change without my knowing. I have not included shipment and tax.

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The last Zinnia was in December. A self-seeded one in the vegetable garden.
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Self-seeded Zinnia relocated between ornamental grasses and Foxtail Ferns.

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