gardenandgem, Updated: 2 min read364 views
Det er fortsatt tele og kaldt ute. Våren 2013 er sen, og det eneste vi kan gjøre er å vente og forebygge forholdene for plantene våre så mye som mulig.

Grunnet sol, vind og tele er eviggrønne planter spesielt utsatt for solsviing nå. Solen og vinden gjør at det fordamper fuktighet fra de eviggrønne bladene uten at plantene har mulighet til å oppta nytt vann siden bakken fortsatt er hardfrosset. Det beste du kan gjøre er å pakke plantene inn i strie, gamle stretchlaken, eller granbar for å skygge for sola mest mulig.

Her har jeg pakket granbar rundt de samme små kristtornene som sett ovenfor for å skygge for solen og lune for vinden.
Solsvidd laurbærhegg her på Orust


It’s still cold outside and the soil is still frozen. There is no doubt that spring is late this year and the only thing we can do is to wait and improve conditions for our plants as much as possible.
Due to sun, wind and frozen soil, the evergreen plants are particularly vulnerable to scorching. The sun and the wind cause the moisture in the evergreen leaves to evaporate, and due to the frozen ground, the plants are having a hard time absorbing more liquids. The best thing you can do is to wrap the plants in burlap, old stretch sheets, or spruce branches to shelter the plants from the harsh wind and sun as much as possible. You might get some odd stares while having stretch (fitted) sheets covering most of your plants, but comfort yourself with the thought of having fresh and healthy plants for spring, instead of dead twigs here and there.

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