gardenandgem, Updated: 2 min read698 views
What equipment do you need to start working in the garden? It depends on the size of the garden, how much time you think you will use and what kind of garden you want to create.

You don’t need many tools to work in the garden, but it depends a little on what your taste and preferences are. I will always need a pair of garden gloves, and I will use different gloves for different tasks. For weeding and planting, I will need a pair of nitrile gloves, for pruning, I will use some longer gloves which protects a little more me from thorns and sharp tools.

You also need something to mess around in the soil with, and that is also a personal choice.

Do you want a garden trowel or a small garden fork as your main tool and kind of hand extender? The nice thing with a fork is that it loosens up the soil a little when you weed, while you don’t slice the roots in two (and half of it is still down in your soil) as you can do with a small hand spade. Maybe I even save some earthworms too from being divided on the wrong place?

That is the only stuff I will say you seriously need.

A hat to keep the rain/sun out of your face, a bucket to carry stuff around, a watering can, a large spade, a rake, and a garden fork is also nice, but not necessary if you are going to start with a small container garden.

I am not in any way sponsored by the garden companies I link to. I think it’s fair that companies other than Amazon can get the chance to show products. Apart from the specific nitrile gloves and the small garden fork, I have not tried the exact products I refer to.