gardenandgem, Updated: 1 min read4.2K views
Vi griller ofte til langt ut over høsten. Sjefen er faktisk ikke dårlig til å grille. Dette er en oppskrift som alle hjemme hos oss elsker:
Chop rosemary and thymus and a couple of garlic cloves with some salt. Mix herbs, garlic, some lemon juice with some good olive oil.
Slice into the duck skin, but not in the through into the meat.
andebrystene _snudd24_
Turn the duck breasts several times in the marinade the next hours. Ignite the grill 30 min before the roasting.
Push the coals towards the sides, and insert an aluminium form in the middle. Place the duck breasts towards the edge, skin side down. Cook for approx. 1 min. Then lay the duck breasts over the drip pan and cook over indirect heat for approx. 15-20 min with meat side down.
The meat feels firm when finished. Let the meat rest for as long as it took to fry it. Wrap aluminium foil around. We serve the duck breasts with wild mushroom stew and gratinated potatoes.

 We often use to barbecue far into the fall. The boss is actually not a bad BBQ Chef. This is a recipe that we love:

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