gardenandgem, Updated: 1 min read384 views

How do you prepare a garden with trees, bushes, roses and even perennials for long absences?

Regardless if you live in a cold or a warm climate you have to take some action before you leave your beloved garden. This is the most important ones:

Prepare the garden_

Getting rid of so much weed that you can manage, cutting back overgrown shrubs and trees to protect weaker or slow-growing plants against the more rapidly growing shrubs is your main goal. This will help you to retain the shape and the main features in your garden. Obviously cutting hedges, shrubs, trees and lawns also are a part of this point.
Make sure your garden is thoroughly watered before you leave. Then the plants are well prepared and have some extra water reserves to start with for your long absence.
Watering the bananapalm_
Make sure your garden is well watered before you leave for a long absence.

Mulch with weed-free soil around the plant roots. Bark mulch is also a valid alternative.

Preventive treatment against slug damage, plant diseases, insects and gnawing damage from larger animals can be a good investment.
Watering poted plants_
Place container plants in the shadow and ask someone to help you to water them.
Situate your container plants in some free space in the ground or place all of them together in the shadow and ask a relative or a neighbour to frequently water them.