Tidying up in the garden when the weather is warmer. I guess it’s pretty safe to tidy up in the garden now, though the weather has become colder again. So…
Tidying up in the garden when the weather is warmer. I guess it’s pretty safe to tidy up in the garden now, though the weather has become colder again. So…
I guess I’m not the first one complaining about the soil here in the Houston area. Its completely compact clay. So when I plant something I have to do a…
Mostly there is chaos because I’m digging all over the place. I have to because its totally random what plants I find that I either love, finds weird, funny, useful…
Hvordan du skal så dine frøplanter: Sådybden varierer med type frø du velger. Som en kort regel kan du dekke frøet med tre ganger sin egen diameter av jord.
Idag saget jeg ned en osp som skygger veldig for drivhuset mitt. Alle grener ble tygget opp av kompostkvernen. Jeg må kutte av sidegreiner slik at greinen jeg freser opp er mest mulig rett.