It is a big challenge to live far from family and friends. Probably bigger than we imagined. When we finally went home to Scandinavia for the holidays, we wanted to both see…
It is a big challenge to live far from family and friends. Probably bigger than we imagined. When we finally went home to Scandinavia for the holidays, we wanted to both see…
There are currently quite wet and fairly turbulent air masses around us here in Houston Texas, and periods with lots of rain and thunder. But it is not unusual that…
These are some key points if you should make yourself a garden in Texas.
It is incredibly lush and green outside at this time. And it flourishes everywhere, in all the gardens around me, in the meadows, on balconies and all along the roadside….
It’s snowing in Norway today and I must say that even if it rains here in Cypress Texas, today I’m very grateful for my extended summer here. Everything grows tremendously…
When spring comes along, the common hobby gardener wakes up very inspired and energetic. This is the start of the season, and you want to do all the stuff you…