One of the great advantages of knowing a bit about the different garden plants is that I can take one look at a seedling and then decide if it is…
One of the great advantages of knowing a bit about the different garden plants is that I can take one look at a seedling and then decide if it is…
February is all about getting the garden ready for the long, hot summer. Pruning, clearing, fertilising, sowing and planting are your keywords for these months. And when the summer comes,…
Is it difficult to grow herbs in Texas? Houston Texas is far from a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and rainy winters and where the most common herbs thrive and…
Hva er egentlig forskjellen på bladbersille og kruspersille? Jeg kan ikke en eneste gang huske at hverken mine foreldre eller besterforeldre sådde noe annet enn kruspersille. Slik persille som Ingrid Espelid…