February is all about getting the garden ready for the long, hot summer. Pruning, clearing, fertilising, sowing and planting are your keywords for these months. And when the summer comes,…
February is all about getting the garden ready for the long, hot summer. Pruning, clearing, fertilising, sowing and planting are your keywords for these months. And when the summer comes,…
It’s my second spring in Texas and the garden is rapidly developing. Most of the hard work with digging, making drainage and planting is over, though I am moving plants…
Nicotiania alata is a plant that is well suited for the Texan climate as well as it is an excellent summer flower in Scandinavia. It is fragrant, can withstand both much water and some dry spells. It is loved by butterflies and bees and here in Texas, you can plant it in both sun and shade.
Når de første små grønne spirene dukker opp av jorden må du med en gang sette spirene lyst. Det er ikke sikkert at alle frøene har spirt ennå, men du…
Som en tommelfingerregel kan frøplantene prikles om når de har fått et bladpar som ikke er frøblader. Siden jeg har såpass dårlig plass under det gamle lysrøret mitt i kjelleren,…