These are some key points if you should make yourself a garden in Texas.
-MULCH! You need to mulch all open soil because the soil becomes densely packed by the hard and heavy rain, nutrients are washed away, and the mulch retains moisture and screens the ground from the strong heat.-Coriander bolts really fast. Like in three weeks fast!. Even slow bolting kinds.-I have started to accept palm trees. Especially the Cycads (which actually are not palms), like in this picture. They are really easy growing/going plants who can take a lot and still look good. Be aware that the seeds are very poisonous for dogs!-The weather changes in seconds! We thought that the Norwegian mountains were deceitful? Visit us a day with a tropical storm!-Flowers can smell too much. Like this Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides). Though I feel ungrateful when I write it down black on white.-Everything grows very fast in spring. Like the cucumbers.It’s very high air humidity here. So be aware of fungus attacks. like this creamy mushroom in the middle of my Tagetes! 🙂